Frequently asked questions

Stories for grandparents

1 · What should I have ready to make the story for grandparents or aunts and uncles: "The Heart's Hidden Plant"?

Have you ever had the feeling that you have hugs waiting for your grandparents? Well, with this story we are going to get many of them in one go.

We'll tell you everything you need to order the best personalised story for your grandparents or aunts and uncles:

INFORMATION: We'll ask you a few easy questions...


  • If the gift is for 1 grandfather, 1 grandmother, grandparents, 1 uncle, 1 aunt or aunts and uncles.
  • If there is 1 grandchild (or nieces and nephews) or more.
  • Any dates and similar details (places, names) to help us fill out the story.
  • Three adjectives that define the grandchild/grandchildren. For example: intelligent, fun and caring.
  • A couple of important events in the grandchildren's lives, which you have a photo of.
  • What does the grandchild call their grandparent? (granddad, grandpa, papa etc.)
  • You can write a dedication, if you'd like to.


  • 1 photo of the grandparent with the grandchild(ren) when they were little. If you have a baby photo, even better.
  • 1 cute photo of the grandchild(ren), not a recent one.
  • 1 photo of a hug between the grandparent and grandchildren, or of a good moment together, or... if you don't have one of these, one of you talking on the phone or writing a WhatsApp would also fit the story.
  • 6 pictures for when the story expresses surprise at how fast the grandchild was growing up... look for cute pictures of your little one!
  • 1 nice photo of the grandchild, recent.
  • A photo of the grandchild(ren) in which you've been separated for holidays (beach, travel, etc.).
  • One photo, if you have one, of your little one during the lockdown. If you don't have one, one of them talking on the phone will work. If you don't have that either, take one now of your little one talking on the phone.
  • A nice, current photo of the grandparents with the grandchild(ren).


If you want to, you can buy space for extra photos, where you can put memories of your children that will be meaningful for the grandparents or aunts and uncles. At the end of the story, we will refer to the beautiful moments that "feed" the secret plant, and all these pictures will appear. Two out of three must be horizontal. The third we'll crop into a square, so you can choose whichever photo you like. They can be:


  • 12 extra photos, 8 extra pages.
  • 24 extra photos, 16 extra pages.
  • 36 extra photos, 24 extra pages.

2 · Will you tell me the story of "The Heart's Hidden Plant"?

Of course! Here it is! Imagine the story with the photos of your children, and the emotion of your dad or mum.

3 · Do it work for any grandparent or aunt and uncle?

We can adapt to all the possible combinations: A grandfather, a grandmother, an uncle, an aunt, a pair of grandparents or a pair of aunts and uncles. And in all of these cases, with one grandchild/niece/nephew, or many. Even if there's a lot. Their names should fit under 200 characters, this is the only requirement.

But there's an important detail: the story refers to how difficult separation has been in the pandemic. If the grandchild is newly born, and therefore they haven't had the experience of being separated for a while... the story doesn't make much sense. In these cases, we don't think it's the ideal gift.

European Union

European Regional Development Fund - A way to make Europe

CREATRICHE SL within the framework of the ICEX Next Program, has had the support of ICEX and with the co-financing of the European FEDER fund. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.

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